This 11 year old gets life. SCORE 6
On the road to success… SCORE 9
Feedback loop SCORE 13
Video games do a thing that no other industry does… SCORE 125
Life in a Nutshell SCORE 7
Accurate SCORE 11
Perfect Riding Gear… He Won’t Hit Anything… SCORE 13
Baby Fat SCORE 14
When friends have kids SCORE 10
Me watching my younger brother play video games SCORE 114
Poor Blockbuster SCORE 13
Magnifico SCORE 192
This Cat in the Hat street art only appears on rainy days SCORE 147
We’re a lot more alike than most people realize. SCORE 189
Hang man SCORE 121
Keep The Planet Clean… SCORE 3
RIP Boiled Water. SCORE 6
12 Celebs Who Graduated From College After Becoming Famous SCORE -1
Thank You For Visiting Our Location SCORE 14
I Think People Need To Be A Little Less Concerned SCORE 3
Worth it. SCORE 165
I guess this means we’re done swinging for the day…. SCORE 11
I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything Productive Today SCORE 5
Glass maze SCORE 14
This made me smile SCORE 235
The struggle is real. SCORE 10
A cat being a cat. SCORE 7
My parents give me produce from their small organic farm when I visit, this was today’s haul. SCORE 120
Are you a horse? SCORE -9
I can relate.. SCORE 7
The evil is strong with this one. SCORE 3
Just my opinion SCORE 13