How To Make The Chinese Knot Ball SCORE 12
Every Friday Night SCORE 81
My relationship with books SCORE 9
Life goals SCORE 11
Ever seen a baby camel before? SCORE 13
I swear to BABY JESUS SCORE 77
Halloween dog SCORE 138
Boy, Kathleen really gets around SCORE 16
I'm lovin it SCORE 7
Jon Snow White SCORE 95
The greatest color names in the world SCORE 177
Just Imagine Planning A Party SCORE 143
When Comcast Tries to Fire Shots SCORE 134
Wait, When Did These Colors Get Added? SCORE 9
Eating A Cupcake For The First Time SCORE 8
When mom tells you to go say hi to her friends. SCORE 108
For Those Who Grew Up On Disney Movies SCORE 2
One donut to rule them all SCORE 10
Every disaster movie SCORE 157
The World Would Definitely Be A Better Place SCORE 133
Add Enough Bacon And You Can Improve Anything SCORE 10
Mom's a savage SCORE 13
i never complain about my mom. SCORE 10
Pajamas and ducky slippers SCORE 8
The toothpaste lied SCORE 151
Chauffeur Koala Knows What He’s Doing SCORE 8
Epic paul erdos SCORE 12
Accurate SCORE 185
My teen self, learning to pick up women SCORE 10
The 10 Most Eerie Events In The World SCORE 9
Super villain in the making SCORE 204
The Proper Way To Fight Sadness SCORE 94