sokka SCORE 20

Did you ever kill any body? – This guys next question SCORE 34

So.. half price? SCORE 14

lol, why is this so accurate? SCORE 50

So it is written, so shall it be done. SCORE 26

We have tools to fix things. We don’t need to pretend. SCORE 44

Data defrag… SCORE 17

Hefty lick SCORE 32

This is why we can’t have nice things. SCORE 35

1960 knew how to celebrate the new year… SCORE 16

Highly efficient mouse trap. SCORE 31

Pythagoras always starting triangles… SCORE 27

Keep calm and trust in Odin SCORE 21

No songo. SCORE 19

You’re couch surfing wrong. SCORE 39

Two photos, one second apart. SCORE 29

Victorian flex is a solid yes. SCORE 29

Today is gonna be a good day. SCORE 29

Words SCORE 15

Oh how the turntables… SCORE 29

Get this kid a book deal. SCORE 30

Thanks for rubbing it in, doc. SCORE 24

We’ve done nothing and we’re stumped! SCORE 30

Well trained DOGE SCORE 40

Welcome back to the party. SCORE 28

C19 blesses us with the good programming. SCORE 37

Play time is now, humans. SCORE 38


What should we do today, bros? SCORE 25

Never gonna happen, elf boy. SCORE 28

Bi-directional wire hammerer. SCORE 31

*anxiety increases exponentially* SCORE 36