from geico to geicool SCORE 13
feline fine SCORE 17
text affext SCORE 19
the two types of daniel craig SCORE 9
master mather SCORE 31
any chance they’ll get restocked soon? SCORE 14
the girl with the broken smile SCORE 6
I too, would be a hamburger helper SCORE 11
mashing a button SCORE 10
low brow comedy SCORE 16
if this kills the night out vibe i dont want that night out SCORE 19
well this is foreboding SCORE 7
forced fraternization SCORE 22
so that’s why they call it “raid” SCORE 9
and the papers want to know who’s shirt you wear SCORE 27
a ribbeting story SCORE 28
mugged in germany SCORE 18
gdq jumpscare SCORE 12
beanie beaner SCORE 10
the testing of resting SCORE 11
juxtapositionship SCORE 9
lasagne lackin’ A’s, say SCORE 9
we got a 2319! SCORE 13
women have it so hard :( SCORE 15
adding the pop to your tart SCORE 1
can you solve this captcha? SCORE 14
counting on corvids SCORE 17
the weight of the issue SCORE 6
they’ve ruined snow days SCORE 26
creating a problem and selling the solution SCORE 9
a taxing weight to bear SCORE 29
the hardest choice to make SCORE 41