Well played, Sharon… SCORE 79

Crossing a river in Iceland. SCORE 116

…one thing led to another SCORE 115

If You’re Having An Affair SCORE 135

Dad: I’m On Some Flight Next To A Rapper… SCORE 94

A Flamingo SCORE 145

Be Lucy SCORE 76

Horses ARE cool SCORE 111

Break eye contact and veer left. Towards the parking lot because malls are dumb. SCORE 90

I Need This Shower In My Life SCORE 82

I Locked My Parents Out Of The Car SCORE 110

I’m not ready yet SCORE 14

The only Donald for me SCORE 71

And he didn’t even finch SCORE 109

Only Snoop Dogg could be this smooth SCORE 94

Choreographed sword fight SCORE 120

To my wife and my children…. SCORE 131

200 calories worth of carrots vs. 200 calories worth of Kit Kats SCORE 59

Measures of success SCORE 81

I hope there’s a place like this when I get old SCORE 248

And who says library’s aren’t cool? SCORE 113

Create drunk, edit sober SCORE 33

Maybe it’s maybeline. SCORE 98

My Man! SCORE 108

Lion and a butterfly. Not sure if it’s happy or really mad… SCORE 112

See The Good Side In A Bad Situation SCORE 107

When my friend, who works for the state, complains that she pays too much in taxes. SCORE 59

When kitteh joins Army SCORE 78

I’m really big on carp anyway… SCORE 73

Please Don’t Ask SCORE 76

How To Solve A Physics Problem SCORE 98

I had a lot of work to do today… SCORE 70