Here we go… SCORE 75

All dogs go to heaven SCORE 60

Trust us, ur gonna be fine. SCORE 32

Flower hacks! SCORE 37

What’d I miss SCORE 48

Hey guurrlll SCORE 69

How could you. SCORE 40

Classic government move SCORE 61

Such a stressful sound SCORE 81

The OG Millennial SCORE 65

Outlines SCORE 81

Get it right. SCORE 50

The look should be trademarked. SCORE 83

For you, comrades. SCORE 37

The life of a plant during the day SCORE 89

Who knew cross country skiing could be so rewarding? SCORE 70

Spanish is the new German SCORE 94

Enjoy life SCORE 103

Disney leaves the inside of their $6 icecream hollow SCORE 38

Insurance companies hate this one simple trick! SCORE 43

Most accurate hat I’ve seen. SCORE 84

Goodbye forever. SCORE 80

You just broke my baguette… SCORE 60

Yeah your dad wins. SCORE 116

*Careful cronches* SCORE 69

Better luck next time… SCORE 52

I would like to see the same kind of gratitude extended for spiders. SCORE 82

ItS prEpAIrInG yOu foR A jOb SCORE 78

Living the good life at doggy day care SCORE 61

Freddie Mercury and his beloved cats. SCORE 62

The original $1,000 screen stand. SCORE 91

It will never stop. SCORE 48