Surface Tension SCORE 15
If you have read Bleach, you will understand SCORE 0
I found my shirt. SCORE 173
And so would life… SCORE 6
Who wore it better? SCORE 3
A Valid Question SCORE 9
My (absolutely true) Love Life SCORE 152
I exercised once… SCORE 246
Oh come on hedgehogs SCORE 11
Looks like. SCORE 232
You can’t please everyone. SCORE 241
A hug makes everything better. SCORE 111
The moon in relation to the United States. SCORE 134
Ghosts SCORE 7
A reader lives a thousand lives… SCORE 250
How sad. SCORE 12
Proof. SCORE 254
How to assure you don’t get out of that speeding ticket. SCORE 208
Fahrenheit 451. SCORE 308
bootylicious SCORE 166
In twenty years….. SCORE -3
Painting nature in nature. SCORE 252
XD oh cats SCORE 6
The Award Goes To… SCORE 9
Funniest Product Review Ever! SCORE 6
And…..this is why you dont take out loans SCORE 13
Redneck limo. SCORE 174
Center of the Universe. SCORE 48
taylor swift is dating everybody SCORE 5
Cowboy boots are for anyone SCORE 245
The best moments in reading… SCORE 329
Bonk. SCORE 180