I think we are on to something SCORE 13

The British Love Roundabouts SCORE 13

Deep shower thought SCORE 132

Zootopia's important achievement SCORE 168

Important Discovery SCORE 154

This Is Definitely My Spirit Animal SCORE 15

Mansplaining SCORE 216

Conspiracies Are Everywhere SCORE 7

Are you free tonight? SCORE 126

Peter Pan’s Dark Story SCORE 122

Ladies… SCORE 16

Husky Life Advice SCORE 139

Accurate Shirt For My Life SCORE 9

If You Connect The Measles SCORE 168

Rude. SCORE 142

Everyday lies SCORE 6

Kids these days! SCORE 10

Where Would We Be Now Without That One Period? SCORE 4

This cradle is genius SCORE 134

Wait for it… SCORE 121

Freelance Bathroom Attendant SCORE 2

Monthly Social Quota SCORE 168

Cereal Killer SCORE 121

Meet Spongedog Everyone SCORE 8

Ouch SCORE 16

How that Catherine the Great rumor got started SCORE 10

Secret Latte Message SCORE 13

Unconventional Reading Spot SCORE 10

Quit Repeating And Learn SCORE 12

The worst. SCORE 126

When You Have Nothing To Prove SCORE 163

Hello from the brother side SCORE 20