I’m just doing my part! SCORE 20
Feelings are mutual. SCORE 20
wtf SCORE 11
Seems legit. SCORE 6
I need a push SCORE 8
Eerie superhero posters SCORE 277
The Fellowship of the Beards? SCORE 9
They should also have a second sign there… in case of floods. SCORE 13
Gotta Catch Em’ All SCORE 17
Minecraft SCORE 12
Looks safe enough… SCORE 7
Human slinky SCORE 17
Dinosaur problems. SCORE 17
Chuck Norris SCORE 197
Had to happen. SCORE 7
loud and proud SCORE 21
Behold brother SCORE 20
Burn! SCORE 234
Taters gonna tate SCORE 145
Gets on their nerves more than a root canal… SCORE 6
Grumpy cat mug SCORE 14
She was funny in “Men In Black” SCORE 14
puurrfect SCORE 12
Bowling fail. SCORE 8
Accurate. SCORE 70
Not sure if tiny banana or huge chapstick… SCORE 190
These Fossilised Bugs Have Been Having Sex For 165 Million Years SCORE 6
Sad, but true SCORE 170
I have a couple of similar experiences. Unfriend option won in the end. SCORE 18
Google lately. SCORE 154
Be still my beating heart. SCORE 243
Morgan Freeman performs a dangerous stunt by himself SCORE 197