Why Don’t You Visit Cornwall? SCORE 16
Personal Security in the Modern Age SCORE 6
The Moment Things Get Serious SCORE 9
He died for our sick gains SCORE 9
0 days without a national embarrassment SCORE 5
This made me feel so good SCORE 259
So What Have You Planned For The Future? SCORE 2
I Wasn’t Ignoring You SCORE 6
I’m on the Jesus diet SCORE 6
This is what a bad ass looks like. SCORE 163
Go to Work or Fake Your Own Death SCORE 13
Err… I’ll Take Your Word For It SCORE 13
The Hypnotizing Beauty Of Russia’s Historic Metro Stations SCORE 109
Megan Fox And Vegan Fox… SCORE 4
Who Was At Fault? The Kangaroo SCORE 128
I’ve Always Wondered This About Caterpillars SCORE 8
Poetry from a galaxy far far away… SCORE 107
It’s OK, Kitty SCORE 7
The Real Questions SCORE 175
She Deserves A Medal SCORE 14
Newspapers Facts SCORE 10
How we fixed my 90 year old grandfather’s TV problems SCORE 14
I’m hopeless SCORE 106
My Very Catholic Mother Just Sent This To Me SCORE 4
23 Photos Of Famous People And Celebrities In Their Youth SCORE 75
That’s pure evil. SCORE 3
What girls think you look like when you tell them you’re under 6ft SCORE 11
Bring me Solo and the Wookie SCORE 11
A Good Friend Calls You In Jail SCORE 1
Reasons Why I Procrastinate SCORE 12
Natural progression SCORE 113
Too Early, Mom SCORE 13