Here's looking at you, Fallout 4 SCORE 99
Or the person you're in need of right now. SCORE 149
Story of my life SCORE 112
When Twilight Fans Read Dracula SCORE 16
Expensive Handbags SCORE 15
Interesting Nerdy Fact SCORE 6
Dat booty doe SCORE 188
Color distribution of one party sized bag of Skittles SCORE 9
Eggsorcist SCORE 15
Black Friesian Horses SCORE 15
Truth has been spoken SCORE 8
Sorry, I Can't SCORE 12
My friend just found this in the obituaries… SCORE 101
Her true name is Minerva Savage SCORE 255
Trigonometry SCORE 178
My teacher told me this one today! SCORE 7
Toddlers React To Lemons SCORE 10
Shots fired… Thousands of times SCORE 171
Words of encouragement SCORE 127
Scumbag Teeth SCORE 144
i feel bad for him… SCORE 173
No girlfriend, no problem SCORE 129
I apologise in advance for the pain of this post SCORE 194
Sneaky Toddler SCORE 137
The more you know SCORE 133
Probably The Solution To Animal Testing SCORE 115
Mother what ails you? SCORE 8
Every book SCORE 6
Feel these words SCORE 14
We need to be able to zoom in SCORE 157
I can relate to this horse SCORE 130
What is your zodiac sign? SCORE 5