Shining, Shimmering, Splendid SCORE 16
I’m dying SCORE 140
Count me out SCORE 5
John Green is Awesome SCORE 249
Sounds About Right SCORE 13
Don't leave your phone at church SCORE 214
Made from an old trampoline SCORE 9
Lamb, I Am Your Father SCORE 170
River Rock Fireplace SCORE 9
I wish rap artists made cereal SCORE 9
Dog nails the Spider-Man kiss SCORE 9
That’s How You Take A Penalty Kick SCORE 155
Be Patient Everyone SCORE 12
The Season Treason SCORE 120
What will George R.R. Martin do next? SCORE 194
These Opportunities Don’t Come Up Very Often SCORE 17
Trying To Find Your Glasses And They’re On Your Face SCORE 9
Time Well Spent I’d Say SCORE 188
They're not wrong SCORE 203
No Make-Up For Boys SCORE 236
Those Damn Deadbeats SCORE 205
Summer Is Coming, A Game Of Foams SCORE 9
This makes me mad… SCORE 11
"Kids these days can’t live without technology." SCORE 6
Fun fact SCORE 12
Tweet Of The Day SCORE 223
How to Write a Blog Post: Cook Your Texty Cake with a Chef SCORE -3
Crochet cactus SCORE 11
Help… It-it's killing me SCORE 13
This is a one day old mouse deer SCORE 8
*mind explodes* SCORE 180
Book Smell SCORE 160