Best Disney Singers SCORE 135
Inspirational SCORE 177
The Imaginary Crush SCORE 226
When God Decided To Make Me SCORE 12
Playing Banking SCORE 10
A library in the Czech Republic SCORE 16
Well, Now It All Makes Sense SCORE 183
Probably The Most Creative Bookshelves Ever SCORE 150
Move along human SCORE 118
The future of fast food packaging SCORE 15
Snape Is Truly In The Zone SCORE -10
It’s Just So Rude SCORE 12
Holy crap! SCORE -5
Celebrities That Definitely Look Alike SCORE 11
How pasta shells are made SCORE 17
So… Is this a date? SCORE 14
The importance of art SCORE 10
Something We Should Think About SCORE 192
Sam l. J SCORE 203
Amazing Korean fans. SCORE 214
Words SCORE 12
Tuuuuuuuurtleeeee SCORE 4
Welcome to the USA. SCORE 132
OK, There Goes My Childhood SCORE 0
Buying A Monkey SCORE 11
Traveling Like A True Boss SCORE 13
When I Try To Do Some Crunches SCORE 14
This chef cracking an egg. SCORE 11
The Best Teacher SCORE 11
I’m Gonna Call Him Squishy And He Shall Be My Squishy SCORE 9
I love coloring books SCORE 169
What has 444 legs and is bummed out about it? SCORE 138