The Sweetest Friendship In Existence SCORE 9
It's not her fault she's not into you SCORE 256
Denis Makes A Valid Point SCORE 15
The public education system SCORE 186
This show is now on Broadway, and this guy won the MacArthur Genius Grant SCORE 12
For Anyone’s Bucket List SCORE 158
When a book character does something stupid SCORE 11
Ahhh, finally. SCORE 173
Polish women protesting the total ban on abortion. SCORE 95
Such A Traumatic Experience SCORE 210
If you’re too embarrassed to buy something. SCORE 16
Now I’m Getting A Fox SCORE 125
Must be a small town SCORE 219
Dudley Has Changed A Lot SCORE 12
When nothing is going your way SCORE 11
Troll Grandparents Doing It Right SCORE 172
A tool to help Mother Nature speed up Natural Selection SCORE 3
It's funny cuz it's true SCORE 157
Nice woodpile SCORE 11
It looks so comfy SCORE 117
Just trying to advance my career … SCORE 137
That’s Good Enough For Today SCORE 6
Language SCORE 4
Beautiful Bioluminescent Bay In Puerto Rico SCORE 12
The struggle at this time of year SCORE 197
Ina Garten Has A Good Point SCORE 144
Gordon Ramsay is my spirit animal SCORE 6
Probably The Cutest Thing You’ll Read Today SCORE 166
Bald Eagles SCORE 213
How to find mistakes in your essays SCORE 143
That Is One Detailed Tattoo SCORE 8
Why English Is Hard SCORE 7