I thought he fell, but he's actually just a ninja SCORE 129
Bacon alarm clock SCORE 8
Captain America is rich. SCORE 195
Beetles As Jurassic Park Characters SCORE 11
Something You Probably Didn’t Know About The Princess Bride SCORE 118
Pets That Probably Deserve An Apology SCORE 8
Epic Cameo Appearances SCORE 135
True Words from a funny man SCORE 3
Vader’s Sorcery SCORE 128
Thank Them For Their Contribution SCORE 3
"I’d like to buy an I" SCORE 3
Well, I Have No Words SCORE 155
This bowl of Marshmallows-Only Lucky Charms SCORE 7
Tis The Season….For some new lotion perhaps? SCORE 12
Regardless of what we believe in politically, this is bad.. SCORE 69
A Theory About Batman SCORE 140
Australians, What’s The Deal Here? SCORE 159
This ledge looks like a great place to sleep. SCORE 142
Music Conductors And Their Spells SCORE 5
Best way to let everyone know that your baby was born SCORE 14
I knew it SCORE 168
My guardian angel… SCORE 15
This Should Be A Thing At Every Single Restaurant In The World SCORE 186
Chivalry is dead SCORE 106
When your mother runs into a friend at the supermarket SCORE 156
Meeting a young fan backstage SCORE 108
Pretty Sure I’d Like To Meet This Chris Guy SCORE 135
Hospitals SCORE 131
Penguins sleep more deeply in the afternoon SCORE 176
Recreating Very Ridiculous Family Pictures SCORE 145
He used a better term SCORE 144
This could be real SCORE 14