Be like Elon Musk SCORE 209
Something Important To Remember SCORE 123
Salmon cannon (A.K.A the greatest human invention) SCORE 10
I Approve This Logic SCORE 8
one more time for the people in the back SCORE 17
When I met my gf's dad for the first time SCORE 7
Dictionary SCORE 12
Cat Racing SCORE 123
Oh snap SCORE 16
Aquarium In The Kitchen SCORE 10
Socializing SCORE 118
New paint job SCORE 14
I Like The Cat, Promise SCORE 141
Finally picked out my Valentines day card! SCORE 71
The Luke/Jamie ratio SCORE 151
Kissing in Canada be like… SCORE 13
Ultra-Realistic Fantasy Dolls By Santani SCORE 139
Yep, Those Are Cookies SCORE 112
Police report SCORE 13
For science SCORE 105
I Could Then Afford It SCORE 14
Accidental Gollum SCORE 168
TopGear being TopGear SCORE 138
Disney princesses as hot dogs SCORE 5
Books Are Optimistic SCORE 16
They’re The Ones To Blame SCORE 12
Omg snow omg snow omg snow SCORE 16
Every book you've ever read SCORE 22
WTF? Spotted outside a funeral parlour SCORE 11
Receipts SCORE 6
A pretty awesome sink. SCORE 13
Don't try this at home SCORE 9