Every time I order fajitas at a Mexican restaurant SCORE 9
google+ users SCORE 15
I would pay to see this SCORE 175
Oh, So This Is How They Do It SCORE 9
Who Says Bats Can’t Be Cute? SCORE 7
People never change SCORE 258
God is listening you! SCORE 138
They sleep for only 5 mins at a time SCORE 15
Incredibly Fluffy Cows SCORE 146
Everyone should be raised like this. SCORE 15
Asking the real questions in life. SCORE 157
Captivating paper art by calvin nicholls SCORE 12
Close call SCORE 11
Mesmerized Lions SCORE 155
Truth SCORE 195
My buddy found this in his dorm room SCORE 144
then we'll really now it works SCORE 124
Been Waiting All These Years SCORE 0
I Know What I’m Doing For Halloween This Year SCORE 3
Me when I have to make food for myself: SCORE 146
Sue won’t let it go. SCORE 11
Yep, That’s About Right SCORE 108
netflixandchilloutbro on Tumblr SCORE 16
The Big Lebowski SCORE 0
I have to admit, that made me smile SCORE 137
The struggle is real SCORE 8
This truck driver's arrangement is neat SCORE 11
There’s a fine line between genius and madness SCORE 12
Even His Mother Didn’t Want Him SCORE 6
In memory of Steve Irwin, one of the most compassionate and beautiful human beings this world has seen. SCORE 194