Jodie seems a little too comfortable with all this… SCORE 3
Big Businesses Aren’t Evil SCORE 15
Doctor SCORE 11
Underwater floating hotel room in Zanzibar. SCORE 173
7 cardinal rules for life. SCORE 15
The story of my life… SCORE 19
Nailed it. SCORE 124
Turkey Vulture SCORE 16
Animals vs. women. SCORE 212
Vacuum my tummy! SCORE 13
POV Barrel Ride SCORE 18
Not Bad… SCORE 19
That’s just evil. SCORE 164
I hate talking on the phone. SCORE 16
Best reasons to get detention. SCORE 306
Heisenbeeker SCORE 5
People are everywhere! SCORE 21
Karma SCORE 7
Think about it… SCORE 8
Dat face. SCORE 14
Pimp my hide SCORE 183
Ouch… SCORE 8
Talking to non-gamer friends… SCORE 5
Music. SCORE 169
When I get a math question correct. SCORE 18
Sadness… SCORE 21
Rawr. SCORE 190
Every time SCORE 148
Burger King. SCORE 11
Poor spiderman…. SCORE 12
Every time. SCORE 15
You’re welcome. SCORE 18