Meanwhile, in Russia. SCORE 144
My friend’s awesome lamp. SCORE 203
Kitty-Kat SCORE 245
You’re doing it right, Megan. SCORE 272
The iceberg that sunk the titanic. SCORE 246
Video game logic SCORE 204
Josh sends question via telepathy. SCORE 257
What I did to protect my Girl Scout cookies SCORE 11
Whenever I watch Hulu. SCORE 283
Blissfully unaware~ SCORE 15
I was gonna go outside today, but… SCORE 13
*coughs* Loki SCORE 242
Stop the discrimination SCORE 215
Why was 6 afraid of 7? SCORE 161
Ice on a trampoline SCORE 172
Things I will forever be upset about SCORE 315
Jaden Smith has been here. SCORE 15
Fire chief’s ex-wife’s house catches fire. SCORE 143
The fastest way to tie your shoes. SCORE 147
And it shall. SCORE 255
Train vs. minivan. SCORE 15
The recording of the MGM Lion, 1929 SCORE 186
This is my jam! SCORE 144
Seat’s taken SCORE 183
I’m not even mad…that’s actually amazing SCORE -7
Say cheese! SCORE 4
Tempting… SCORE 149
Owl SCORE 190
When the pizza gets here SCORE -2
Stark Naked. SCORE 252
Hogwarts. SCORE 223
Yeah, me too SCORE 137