The book vs. The movie SCORE 269
All Cycles Will Be Removed SCORE 272
Oh, silly Hufflepuff SCORE 11
Conductors and their spells SCORE 6
Grab a snickers, this will be a while SCORE 0
Netflix is my heroin. SCORE 183
The great Bill Bailey on American lyrics.. SCORE 362
Crater Face SCORE 13
Embarrassing? Please……. SCORE 433
Some days… SCORE 18
The white curse SCORE 10
Come at me, bro! SCORE 157
You shall not pass! SCORE 9
Fear and Loathing in Mos Eisley SCORE 3
Life hacks from 100 years ago. SCORE 203
MCR fans, unite! SCORE 10
trolling done right SCORE 282
Smeagol vs. Gollum Rap battle SCORE 1
Twist! SCORE 261
Wrong Show SCORE 328
This looks safe. A Roman Candle Mini-Gun. SCORE 160
This is the roller that prints Oreos. SCORE 181
Looking at celebrities without makeup… SCORE 169
Wingardium Leviosa SCORE 9
Book slappers. SCORE 371
I’m noticing some similarities here. SCORE 246
Wedding logic. SCORE 12
How grapes are made. SCORE 227
Wanna dance? SCORE 6
Catfinity. SCORE 111
How to stay entertained after retirement SCORE 20
What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Willis? SCORE 5