Stalker is a harsh word. SCORE 169
You’re just so hilarious SCORE 320
Hug! SCORE 167
MLKJ Quote SCORE 278
I find your lack of doggy treats disturbing. SCORE 81
Black girls that work at McDonalds. SCORE 187
That’s the worst. SCORE 119
Few things are infinite. SCORE 123
Makes sense… SCORE 162
Approaching maximum derp. SCORE 130
Try it. SCORE 72
I can only care so much… SCORE 11
The Progression. SCORE 288
I think he sits next to me in Spanish. SCORE 15
Stop blaming The Universe. SCORE 3
Oh Auto-Correct… SCORE 9
BURNNNNN…. *sizzle sizzle* SCORE 3
Those first two guys… SCORE 243
Box of Kittens SCORE 5
And for my next trick… SCORE 152
Trololololo. SCORE 146
Cat logic. SCORE 108
So much fluff! SCORE 116
Romeo… Romeo… SCORE 93
Taco cat. SCORE 156
Gun Violence. SCORE 13
What immortality looks like. SCORE 145
Like a boss SCORE 5
oh, if only… SCORE 174
More than friends… O.o SCORE 14
+ if this has happend to you! SCORE 7