Love me long. SCORE 13

A true homie. SCORE 32

Have some tea, then. SCORE 25

help thyself. SCORE 22

You can hear them coming. SCORE 36

Bin for cyclists in Denmark SCORE 25

Be the boss. SCORE 32

Consider owning a cat. SCORE 21

Australian Space Shuttle Launch SCORE 27

She’d still do it now SCORE 20

Hello fellow zookeepers SCORE 35

Bald Eagle Cronchable SCORE 16

The Holy Grail of ice scrapers SCORE 27

Stay good, boy. SCORE 19

The Great Emu Wars. SCORE 19

Existence is pain. SCORE 20

Golden Girl in the front, Baywatch in the back. SCORE 17

Wrong dog. SCORE 26

Floppy discs had a certain vibration to them… SCORE 35

Is it working? SCORE 25

Mandatory trial run SCORE 20

Medieval beekeeping outfit SCORE 28

Nutella ain’t cheap. SCORE 35

Beached SCORE 23

Last night’s trail cam. SCORE 26

You’re wearing a Petri dish on your face, ma’am. SCORE 27

My true colors shining on through. SCORE 18

High-Elf Joe Biden SCORE 25

Jeff stop it, mate. SCORE 35

Creatures of warmth. SCORE 36

Let them cronch. SCORE 25

breakfast is served SCORE 29