wow this is so fun i’m thriving SCORE 14
dog’s best friend’s best friend SCORE 22
arrested development SCORE 13
squizard SCORE 19
oh crap SCORE 19
big ear boi SCORE 18
this resident is evil SCORE -43
heheh whoopsie SCORE 41
mom i barfeded SCORE 8
honkey-talk SCORE 13
paw prints SCORE 15
a-bun-dance SCORE 14
thanks for the warning, i really needed that SCORE 13
the secret room behind the throne SCORE 19
sorry all i heard was “start with me”? SCORE 13
just a sec, hon SCORE 21
polski memzesz be liszcke SCORE 14
i am become our house, cleaner of rooms SCORE 23
harsher words cannot be found SCORE 30
will always catch youuuuu SCORE 5
put the I in tieam SCORE 26
no ai can create such an impossiblity SCORE 29
cats are warlock patrons confirmed SCORE 22
well you see… SCORE 5
jokes on me SCORE 17
too bad they have such a strange taste SCORE 19
cavemen artistry in work SCORE 34
it just makes cents SCORE 21
psa: SCORE 21
byzantines or bust SCORE 14
bouncin from one problem to the next SCORE 28