The founding fathers SCORE 171

Berry funny SCORE 159

Taylor Swift in her knitted sweater SCORE 151

Bjork On The Importance Of Good Art SCORE 172

This might come in handy. SCORE 14

Real Heroes don’t wear capes SCORE 128

U.S. Presidency SCORE 221

The Value Chart SCORE 9

In Soviet Holland River Cross You SCORE 16

To All The Perfectionists Out There, Enjoy SCORE 150

This Guy Turned His Son’s Bedroom Into A Portal Test Chamber. Huge Success SCORE 15

Look on the bright side SCORE 161

When you find out Jasmine parents gone. SCORE 111

Modern Art Simplified SCORE 13

Decorating a cookie SCORE 151

Best Bathroom View Ever SCORE 13

Lion cub happy to see owner SCORE 12

Well said Siri SCORE 12

For Those Who Have Asthma SCORE 104

Beard goals SCORE 7

My girlfriend graph SCORE 179

A Story of a Stray Dog… Faith in Humanity Restored SCORE 211

When you go to gym for the first time SCORE 13

Some Of Them Are Completely Unreal SCORE 130

Please Explain What These Are SCORE 13

Crowd pleasing SCORE 6

Best Refrigerator Magnet Ever SCORE 14

Graduate SCORE 8

Hey look, I found a fuzzy peanut! SCORE 9

Ten points to Gryffindor! SCORE 195

More proof that cats are liquid SCORE 14

The land of opportunity SCORE 11