The manliest pacifier EVER! SCORE 236
Don’t slip… SCORE 3
Scumbag router! SCORE 193
10 food facts. SCORE 86
The dyslexic Jew in me had a heart attack. SCORE 336
Breakfast makes me happy. SCORE 89
Wait for it… SCORE 75
Land of the Focus, Home of the Vain. SCORE 285
This is what I keep telling myself… SCORE 204
Meanwhile in Africa… SCORE 128
Tough words. SCORE 137
Leonerd sleeps while I play bongos SCORE 1
The morning commute, as a cat. SCORE 182
Sometimes it feels like… SCORE 187
Unlikely friends. SCORE 119
Puppies! SCORE 129
Oops, I dropped water all over my homework! SCORE 246
World’s most attractive beards. SCORE 151
Pearls of wisdom. SCORE 115
The tummy drum. SCORE 24
Nope. SCORE 144
these 2 pics were right next to each other -_- SCORE 16
Math drives me crazy… SCORE 143
Ignorance is bliss. SCORE 219
A dog’s life. SCORE 216
The breakfast bike. SCORE 64
Accurate. SCORE 262
The donkey and the well. SCORE 427
I’d watch it. SCORE 203
What do we wear? SCORE 230