We already had a word for those… SCORE 82
Meet Bryan SCORE 41
Working In Retail SCORE 64
It was funny the first time. SCORE 80
I wasn’t feeling well and was throwing up this morning, he held my finger until I was done. SCORE 70
Thanks, I guess… SCORE 79
Bed For New Parents SCORE 63
Finding humor in your situation SCORE 61
Ok ok, guys… calm down. I’m joking ! SCORE 68
Counting my blessings! SCORE 77
Bumble Butt! SCORE 78
8 weeks to 8 months SCORE 76
hogwarts houses at their worst SCORE 91
never go full retard. SCORE 78
It’s true, Flat Earthers are all Around us… SCORE 122
Cabin in Crystal City, Colorado SCORE 66
Get’em while you can! SCORE 71
Being old is hard. SCORE 18
Sorry 1987, we are chasing our tails these days. SCORE 74
Hello SCORE 53
This is odd. SCORE 62
No longer the dumbest president SCORE 82
Ctrl+C … Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+V … done SCORE 66
Consider the Following SCORE 32
At Least It’s Not Bees… SCORE 64
You have just crossed over into…. The EYELID zone! SCORE 65
how are you doing you miserable piece of junk? SCORE 92
Getting frisky at the office job SCORE 41
Daddy or Dad SCORE 79
Hey, hey…for real this time SCORE 52
Self Care SCORE 79
Just Cat Logic SCORE 65