Own it, Joe. SCORE 48
Hey at least I didn’t slaughter children… SCORE 22
Always has been. SCORE 25
Big Pharma are generous gods! SCORE 48
Braking glass with a megaphone. Science! SCORE 33
Me Goosetad SCORE 39
Let them grind. SCORE 25
Plead the fifth, kitty. SCORE 29
Get wrecked, sonny. SCORE 29
It’s natures RedBull! SCORE 30
He is a special boy. SCORE 33
Tamagotchi hunting season. SCORE 32
What a missed pastatunity. SCORE 32
How do you do, fellow oooman? SCORE 36
Well… yes. SCORE 23
put old faithful to work. SCORE 38
I have never been so interested… SCORE 25
Have at you! SCORE 30
Some deprived Eric mixed up the panels… SCORE 22
Family doesn’t have to be blood. SCORE 38
A job, so I can buy a kitchen. SCORE 32
I have done a good work. SCORE 25
Not on my watch… SCORE 33
Alright, Ted, you do you bud. SCORE 38
Un cafe, iced. Danke. SCORE 27
I bet I can hold my breath longer than you. SCORE 27
Pancake doge, please. SCORE 27
There is a reason for every sign. SCORE 22
The whole franchise could have been a fraud! SCORE 47
You’re not my pal, buzz. SCORE 50
There is beauty most everywhere. SCORE 25