Why did you betray me father? SCORE 8
That poor Janitor SCORE 150
Shots fired SCORE 207
I Wanna Live There So Bad SCORE 100
Oh Loki… SCORE 11
Basically what being a grown up is SCORE 204
Wow, What A Time To Be Alive SCORE 142
Every Time I Can’t Hear Someone SCORE 114
Solid advice SCORE 118
Pretty Accurate Representation SCORE 161
This is true inspiration. SCORE -10
That frustration! SCORE 134
So true it's not even funny SCORE 150
What A Cute, Useful Item SCORE 115
How problems get solved SCORE 14
Not today, Greg SCORE 147
100% Accurate SCORE 109
Life is more fun when you never read the fine print SCORE 12
Little kittens can be very scary SCORE 127
A journey of a thousand miles. SCORE 3
Nearly every fight on the Internet ever SCORE 13
But he would be a great Jesus SCORE 177
A Kitty And A Guinea SCORE 10
I hate this SCORE 137
Er…….. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii……. … … Uhsorrybye SCORE 137
Deja Vu SCORE 2
Chrome Loves It SCORE 12
All math tests should be like this. SCORE 169
BDSM piñatas SCORE 8
Be scared SCORE 172
That sounds good right now SCORE 14
Kitten ready for takeoff SCORE 10