One does not simply leave bubble wrap untouched. SCORE 245
Life in the 90’s. SCORE 451
The Karate Kid is The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. SCORE 309
Glam rock. SCORE 157
Don’t go bacon my heart… SCORE 195
I love fajitas. SCORE 226
Know the difference. SCORE 194
Trolling your significant other. SCORE 304
What “meow” means. SCORE 300
Scumbag brain. SCORE 199
Dawg, why you gotta be all up in my grill? SCORE 256
Sounds delicious. SCORE 248
Waking up to a bear claw in your face. SCORE 146
This never happens. SCORE 155
What your hot dog toppings say about you. SCORE 190
The character of a man… oh wait. SCORE 334
Realistic snack food names. SCORE 257
Broken Condomicon. SCORE 182
Every day. SCORE 212
Coolness of not caring. SCORE 146
Trolley the procrastination troll. SCORE 194
Scumbag Sarah McLachlan. SCORE 191
The truth about Hot Pockets. SCORE 275
I just love cats, ok? SCORE 126
A dogs life. SCORE 134
Thanks voice in my head. SCORE 203
Conundrum. SCORE 210
If the authors of computer programming books wrote arithmetic textbooks… SCORE 274
That’s Dr. Chihuahua to you! SCORE 170
I’ve been betray! SCORE 338
The awesome moment when you buy good headphones and discover new instruments in a song. SCORE 329