Watching A Movie SCORE 74
Best cutting board ever SCORE 49
It’s funny how we all sleep differently SCORE 92
My ice cold heart. SCORE 83
The joys of flossing SCORE 76
All of these are true SCORE 178
I would watch this. SCORE 162
She said it. Then, she did it. SCORE 197
The stars will show you what you truly want SCORE 70
Tumblr, asking the important questions. SCORE 147
We the people SCORE 112
Then who raised me? SCORE 52
A request to the athletic department. SCORE 169
Dear Lord, Please Grant Me The Ability To Punch People Over the Internet SCORE 52
Now that is dedication SCORE 152
Donald Trump asking about nuclear weapons… SCORE 183
How breadful SCORE 91
Scumbag junior SCORE 81
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer SCORE 154
A more accurate title for the new Harry Potter book SCORE 66
That’s how I get through everything SCORE 136
Say no more, fam… SCORE 66
These new incentives are much better than cash imho’ SCORE 112
Shoutout to my grandpa SCORE 116
I’ve got some bad news for you, buddy. SCORE 71
Hello Satan SCORE 110
Mirror Mirror SCORE 106
Priorities SCORE 80
What PMS is like… SCORE 28
Leo gets it SCORE 164
This restaurant labels their brownies based on what part of the pan it was baked on. SCORE 133
The Update SCORE 64