Jeff sums it up. SCORE 23
Dracarys! SCORE 24
Carrot delivery truck. SCORE 23
When a baby elephant sees the ocean for the first time. SCORE 22
That college vocabulary SCORE 25
The first family of Christmas, circa 1941 SCORE 14
What a distant idea… SCORE 31
5 years lesson SCORE 26
This is important info. SCORE 27
Meeeooow SCORE 18
Chivalry is dead SCORE 22
Ah yes, Christianity SCORE 23
*subscribed* SCORE 30
w a t e r SCORE 28
Every year, at this time SCORE 19
Toot that thing. SCORE 17
Extreme dutch oven… SCORE 20
I would’ve taken this as an honour SCORE 20
Rolly Polly friends! SCORE 18
A snowman in Istanbul, 1929 SCORE 18
A tribute to the Bees SCORE 23
Magic Rock SCORE 18
Mum and the cat watch soap opera’s together. SCORE 22
He’s doing what’s called a Pro-Gamer Move… SCORE 24
Grans on the move. SCORE 18
When dogs call 911… SCORE 19
I mean, they warned you… SCORE 22
Spotify brought a glock to a pencil fight SCORE 24
Kids love it! SCORE 11
Oregon Trail – The Game SCORE 26
Coma at me, 2020. SCORE 19