The areas around the brown spots on bananas glow brightly when you shine a black light on them, BTW. SCORE 22
Welcome to the Lung Cancer Society SCORE 19
Grans are the grand. SCORE 37
Love Potions could have a different vibe… SCORE 35
Nobody could have seen this coming? SCORE 25
You should really charge you battery, though. SCORE 48
That’s got a different vibe to it… SCORE 31
OK but C20 is looming on the horizon… SCORE 17
Noted… SCORE 31
T-shirt sales are boppin’ SCORE -6
Checkmate Nike SCORE 13
The future looks promising. SCORE 35
Day 231.. SCORE 27
Different times, different selfies… SCORE 40
That is the quickest math. SCORE 23
A river runs through it… SCORE 27
Get your foot long… SCORE 26
Follow for ultimate quest. SCORE 29
It’s got a different float to it… SCORE 25
Gandalf the Grey(hound) SCORE 23
It was always breakfast foods, mom. SCORE 32
Grown up gamer hacks. SCORE 27
Babushka no fretting. SCORE 33
Education is overrated, apparently. SCORE 48
Look at them there smoke stacks! SCORE 22
We just like the reading. SCORE 30
Someone accidentally set off the fire suppression system in a military hanger SCORE 28
Gon’ be straight SCORE 30
Left: the only standing building after the bomb in Hiroshima. Right: the only standing building after the Beirut explosion. Both were made by Czechs. SCORE 30
gos is luv SCORE 37
Russian Attack Helicopter, probably. SCORE 17
There’s a generation of children who take selfies before being able to dress themselves… SCORE 24