Meanwhile in America… SCORE 142
Dog jump fail. SCORE 97
Literally. SCORE 186
Har har har. SCORE 225
Fight illegal parking like a boss. SCORE 97
Wuv. SCORE 154
How to speak like Kristen Stewart. SCORE 214
Get in one little fight. SCORE 261
1.44MB like a boss. SCORE 127
Moustacha. SCORE 154
When I plank, you plank, we plank. SCORE 199
Emotic-tac. SCORE 243
Bad form. SCORE 142
There is still hope for you. SCORE 331
Highly suspect… SCORE 54
I will not be your father! SCORE 166
Well played. SCORE 152
Fencing… also for old people. SCORE 165
Sorry Pacman… SCORE 170
A well balanced diet. SCORE 241
Luke button. SCORE 148
What I feel like when I run. SCORE 139
Atheists pick and choose their morals. SCORE 387
Flight paths. SCORE 207
Words. SCORE 261
You’re fired! SCORE 191
I never got your text. SCORE 178
Is this real life? SCORE 158
Like a boss. SCORE 176
90s nerd vs. 2011 hipster. SCORE 204