Crash Landing –Directed by Michael Bay SCORE 7
Good guy, Obama. SCORE 0
Liz Lemon is my spirit animal. SCORE 184
Have a nice flight SCORE 193
cutest thing on Instagram SCORE 14
I put my face in the snow. SCORE 11
But his hands say hospital SCORE 174
When a dog smiles at you SCORE -4
The Press SCORE 12
Scumbag avocados SCORE 17
Trick or bear? SCORE 20
Worst place for a party. SCORE 14
What I want to do with my life SCORE 15
Tumblr Genders SCORE 9
A pear in a bottle. SCORE 18
Good thinking, kitty. SCORE 11
When someone thinks that I am “tan”. SCORE 180
This tire track is a (Dutch) poem SCORE 13
you better not draw me like one of your French girls SCORE 29
Cats sitting like humans. SCORE 10
How to win my heart. SCORE -2
Jumping the Lift SCORE 14
This dog has skills. SCORE 9
Map showing how loud places are in the US. SCORE 15
My roommate made him a hat… SCORE 12
Exactly. SCORE 11
Awww, Cedric. SCORE 179
Martin Freeman on his feelings before Sherlock and The Hobbit. SCORE 257
Cats… SCORE 65
Preemptively swimming. SCORE 9
The Winchester’s. SCORE 169
Faith in humanity restored. SCORE 179