Facts. SCORE 168
E.T.’s phone bill. SCORE 97
Cats are jerks. SCORE 195
Inspiration. SCORE 47
Living life backwards. SCORE 351
How mormons get married SCORE 2
I could pee on this. SCORE 228
Too late, Emma. SCORE 258
If I was God… SCORE 138
Puppy! SCORE 27
the marvelous adventure times with flapjack and capitan knuckles SCORE 5
You make a convincing argument. SCORE 258
Bacon is a food group. SCORE 51
Poor Mr. Nice Guy. SCORE 159
This way to crazy cat lady. SCORE 100
The cutest sloth. SCORE 114
Gerbils get cozy. SCORE 196
Pancreatic cancer story SCORE 1
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur SCORE 3
Quitters never win… SCORE 140
Wisdom. SCORE 265
Because, Reasons. SCORE 21
He shoots. He scores! SCORE 174
For a good cause. SCORE 190
strangely accurate SCORE 10
That awkward moment when… SCORE 292
Approaching maximum derp. SCORE 97
I Is Child SCORE 1
Tequila was a good choice. SCORE 1
If the world were a village of 100 people… SCORE 303
Make way for cat-tank. SCORE 130
I don’t need to study. SCORE -1