Procrastination Dalek SCORE 16
Disney Version of Star Trek SCORE 3
The best part is that “Henrickson” keeps a straight face. SCORE 24
Girls and their complaints. SCORE 79
A tour of the British Isles in accents. SCORE 98
Why Castiel is my favorite character. SCORE 203
Internet friends vs. real friends. SCORE 14
It’s Morphin Time SCORE 6
Hedgehog yawns. SCORE 152
Science humor. SCORE 281
Asian grading scale. SCORE 208
No different than a human child SCORE 212
Weirdest headline ever SCORE 14
I Want to Live On My Own SCORE 142
No tip for you… SCORE 168
I ship them and them!!! SCORE -4
Being Told No SCORE 403
Owl landing in slow motion SCORE 160
The lion and the…dog. SCORE 187
States and strange laws. SCORE 19
Build Your Own Dalek SCORE 8
My Brain… SCORE 13
Death Row prisoner’s last meals. SCORE 18
Post Warhol art. SCORE 120
Unborn animals in the womb. SCORE 181
Modern day muses. SCORE 6
Take my money! SCORE 9
A Question for President Obama SCORE 146
Lorde of the Rings SCORE 232
Tumblr… SCORE 8
Stunning Portraits With Animals SCORE 20
Rules Don’t Apply to the Rich SCORE 219