No longer invited SCORE 153
A White Dragon King Crown Beta SCORE 141
The Banks Remember SCORE 130
No one ever handed me anything on a plate SCORE 295
Chick Magnet SCORE 12
This sentence has five words SCORE 233
Seven Astronauts describe what it feels like to be in space SCORE 168
Julia Louis-Dreyfus on David Letterman’s final episode SCORE 14
The Learning Curve. SCORE 137
Sesame Street Fruit Bowls SCORE 20
This isn't even a joke SCORE 16
When your salad tells you a joke. SCORE 4
I Wonder What The Problem Is SCORE 12
Is it really? SCORE 15
Kid Who Couldn’t Walk, Can Do It Again Using An Exo-Skeleton SCORE 182
How to spot an American SCORE 197
Laziest Hotel Doorman Ever SCORE 118
Maybe To Find A Tight Seal SCORE 14
So proud of my hometown SCORE -7
Sharing popcorn with my buddy SCORE 10
Pecan Pie SCORE 123
Those Eyes Are Full Of Confusion And Regret SCORE 9
Cooler than I’ll ever be SCORE 10
Pretzels, White Chocolate, and M&Ms SCORE 12
Don’t Make Hungry Mistakes SCORE 178
Link can be such a jerk SCORE 12
Reminiscing at the beach. SCORE 169
The real reason why I have no girlfriend… SCORE 8
The Mythological Beast Is Real SCORE 120
Very Deep Riddle SCORE 14
I Find It So Calming SCORE 158