You Know You Are Getting Old When… SCORE 153
Science, more like CRYence because it's boring. SCORE 6
I’m Gonna Call Him Squishy And He Shall Be My Squishy SCORE 9
Pale People Problems. SCORE 18
Tuuuuuuuurtleeeee SCORE 4
When God Decided To Make Me SCORE 12
Probably The Most Creative Bookshelves Ever SCORE 150
Celebrities That Definitely Look Alike SCORE 11
Tinder SCORE 11
The Imaginary Crush SCORE 226
The Best Teacher SCORE 11
Snape Is Truly In The Zone SCORE -10
An Amputee Pretends To Be A Zombie And Chases A Guy. SCORE 177
It is my blood SCORE 9
Happy 30th birthday, Mario! SCORE 14
The Location Of My Cat SCORE 13
Sharks Rule SCORE 16
Real women in Victoria's Secret Swimsuit SCORE 200
The most beautiful SCORE 7
You Can’t Really Argue With This SCORE 7
Clever Way To Hide It SCORE 5
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Yeah SCORE -2
So… Is this a date? SCORE 14
Playing Banking SCORE 10
Best Disney Singers SCORE 135
Buying A Monkey SCORE 11
Group Hugs Are The Best SCORE 13
Something We Should Think About SCORE 192
Epic Library In The Czech Republic SCORE 13
Making friends SCORE 12
Traveling Like A True Boss SCORE 13
Friendships never die SCORE 142