Even better SCORE 193

When yo girl run for president SCORE 9

Adorable Wishful Thinking SCORE 10

If I fits..Close enough SCORE 9

Wheels Designed For Stairs SCORE 196

When I Say Something Awkward SCORE 18

I can’t unsee it now SCORE 175

So, That’s What Happened To This Series SCORE 15

Simpson’s Nail My Catholic Upbringing SCORE 113

Teachers SCORE 177

His worried face is priceless SCORE 164

Painted on the Ladies Room floor. Not cool guys! SCORE 10

Homer Is Smart SCORE 201

Friends Are Like A Trampoline SCORE 15

I hope this is true SCORE 215

The value of something SCORE 6

She gets it SCORE 11

Rock-Paper-Scissors SCORE 12

Everything's fine SCORE 13

The Relationship I Want SCORE 156

I need to use the sleep SCORE 187

Sign outside the pizza place at university today SCORE 6

Pancake Has Style SCORE 162

The Greatest Mystery SCORE 1

English Can Be Tricky SCORE 177

Funny facts for kids! SCORE -11

Don´t Touch My Ball, Man SCORE 10

The Phone Check, We’ve All Done It SCORE 5

I met this guy while skiing this weekend SCORE 178

Weight loss journey SCORE 131

Eminem’s Resting Face SCORE 8

Have a great day! SCORE 13