When you pay off a loan… SCORE 11
The best way to start the day SCORE 10
Tribal children see an iPad for the first time SCORE 13
George Carlin – Death Penalty SCORE 0
Tragic accident SCORE 2
What alcohol to drink SCORE 7
Nope nope nope. SCORE 14
Running Out Of Excuses SCORE 13
You win this time gravity SCORE 16
Best Juice Bar I’ve Ever Seen SCORE 197
He does have a point SCORE 163
Priorities SCORE 113
Party hard, Fred SCORE 126
Brushing Your Curly Hair SCORE 138
Swinging from nation to nation on the border. SCORE 16
Stop it SCORE 159
This is so accurate it makes me wince. SCORE -2
Choose wisely this year SCORE 5
My brother works at a dental lab SCORE 151
Blaze it SCORE 8
911 SCORE 12
Perfect Brand Name For Traps SCORE 8
Never realized how big Africa really is SCORE 11
How to tell you’re in Canada SCORE 133
19 Times Bathroom Signs Get Really Creative SCORE 84
I’m just going to leave this here SCORE 325
It all makes sense now SCORE 94
True words SCORE 14
It’s fine, there’s a chance he won’t remember the incident SCORE 14
I need this pencil sharpener SCORE 3
Smallest bird SCORE 16
The dick sling SCORE 221