Lemme pet you! SCORE 52

This was taped to the door of the hotel room next to mine. Good luck, John. SCORE 55


Know your timelines SCORE 148

Not sure if this belongs here. SCORE 134

How to teach your kids to toughen up SCORE 102

Hello, it’s me[at] SCORE 64

I don’t trust you if you don’t relate SCORE 117

Lethal doses of heroin and fentanyl side by side SCORE 73

What Scared Me At Age 8? SCORE 114

But honey, it was my turn to bring the torches! SCORE 93

Everybody wants to be a cat SCORE 94

…. I gotta go SCORE 82

My school just installed a CVS vending machine full of medicine and hygiene products SCORE 124

Mondays… SCORE 105

No its becky SCORE 93

Me in the Gym SCORE 90

Utter disdain. SCORE 65

Seems Off…. SCORE 153

Being out of wok can be depressing. SCORE 92

Undercover police officer looking for drug dealers at a student party SCORE 61

Make no mistake about it human SCORE 93


A group of vegans about to hatch. SCORE 68

Finish him SCORE 90

A piece of Italy SCORE 126

A pie revolution SCORE 163

Something we can all get behind SCORE 115

Orphaned boy showing immense joy on receiving new pair shoes as a birthday gift 1946 SCORE 108

The Bigfin Squid SCORE 61

Not so good boy SCORE 54

Ball courts in Hong Kong SCORE 76