How to scar the next home owners SCORE 125
Too Much Peanut Butter SCORE 8
You’re sure that’s the right word? SCORE 164
That Other Half SCORE 13
fun fact SCORE 7
And my heart grew 2 sizes this day SCORE 283
The Hand Sanitizer SCORE 3
Just A Few Clicks SCORE 10
Baby donkey meets huge horse SCORE 115
When Karate Training Comes In Handy SCORE 11
Love this guy SCORE 162
The Frightening Life Of H. H. Holmes SCORE 14
"I underestimated the enemy." SCORE 123
Disgusting but Accurate… SCORE 108
What more is there to life? SCORE 179
Happens Every Time I Eat Out SCORE 8
My sister forgot to get her permission slip signed and my mom’s a smart ass SCORE 8
Being 17 is hard. Literally SCORE 145
It Made Me Smile SCORE 146
This Cast Is Legendary SCORE 13
Smonday SCORE 13
Why don’t these words rhyme? SCORE 153
Those Who Claim To Protect The Earth SCORE 12
Proper Name For A Pile Of Cats SCORE 11
I’ll clap when there’s something worth clapping for SCORE 15
Biggest Sandwich Ever SCORE 19
Too real SCORE 15
How I Actually Dance SCORE 13
My default router password described my rare birthmark. SCORE 13
Snow Sunrise, Italy SCORE 161
Darwinism at its finest SCORE 8