Some of the signage at work seems questionable SCORE 7
Welcome to the Internet! SCORE 6
Red or blue pill? SCORE 13
Batmobile SCORE 12
Being an introvert SCORE 186
Love. SCORE 130
The Friend Zone Jacuzzi SCORE 12
Harry Potter feels. SCORE 176
Eevengers SCORE 0
Learning from the best SCORE 14
The Hobbit and gender. SCORE 225
Dear Student Loan Recipient. SCORE 212
I hate brushing my teeth SCORE 128
Do you agree? SCORE -1
Long live the king. SCORE 19
I’ll drink to that. SCORE -1
Lord of the Rings! SCORE 186
How Leonardo DiCaprio gets over a breakup SCORE 131
I apologize. my religious beliefs are terribly naive. SCORE 13
Shaving wherever you want SCORE 18
Magnum revolver SCORE 8
Now Everything’s a Competition SCORE 161
Winter weather. SCORE 8
Found your stop SCORE 14
A true artist. SCORE 214
How to cut a pizza. SCORE 5
Going through old pics and found this… SCORE -17
"It’s a trap!" Trap SCORE 108
At the end of a YouTube video SCORE 152
Poor storm troopers. SCORE 17
Because there is no such thing as too much Hiddleston SCORE 107
The Hunger Games. SCORE 149