A piece of art by Bill Cosby SCORE 124

Most People Don’t Know About This SCORE 4

Real life SCORE 4

My spirit animal. SCORE 14

When a customer asks me how I'm doing SCORE 15

Can’t Beat Them? Join Them SCORE 160

Flirting is not my thing SCORE 13

The Super Pose SCORE 13

The Piglet Who Couldn’t Walk SCORE 10

Regular Love Life Vs. My Love Life SCORE 6

The Five Second Rule Always Applies SCORE 10

Getting sick in America sucks SCORE 145

I wish my mom was that cool SCORE -5

Ban it logic SCORE 204

Husky puppy taking a nap with his stuffed penguin SCORE 10

Kitty In A Sweater SCORE 13

Coins Don't Smell, You Do SCORE 12

Giant Marbles SCORE 146

I Need This One SCORE 14

I have a dream SCORE 6

Better Names For Famous Snack Foods SCORE 9

10 Fiction Characters Based on Real People SCORE 13

Destroy a city SCORE 175

Arguing with someone online SCORE 9

Women And Their Wine SCORE 0

Bar booths in Australia SCORE 136

Truly scary halloween mask SCORE 8

Disappointed Uterus SCORE 13

You Should Never Make This Mistake SCORE 9

So What? My Feet Are Warm SCORE 8

Science Always Ruins Everything SCORE 157

Nap time! SCORE 7