And this is why I dont waste money on Fast Food SCORE 11
Body Types SCORE -4
Make up your minds! SCORE 246
Seems legit SCORE 8
my world problems SCORE 153
Troll level, awesome SCORE 15
……Touche……. SCORE 9
The Internet steals bits of your life SCORE 5
Sterling Archer SCORE 0
Stereotypes exist for a reason SCORE 4
so many true stories SCORE 8
Can’t…look away…from the cuteness SCORE 267
Entitlements SCORE 10
They rarely look good on women, let alone men! SCORE 8
Wait for it.. SCORE 5
Best “call me maybe” meme…EVER SCORE 19
Yay books! SCORE 264
How PETA irks me SCORE 19
whateves… SCORE 156
truth SCORE 11
Puppy! SCORE 116
Nyan cat explosives SCORE 8
Priorities. SCORE 131
The odds SCORE 7
Go away paper clip SCORE 133
You’re welcome SCORE 6
Sibling comparison SCORE 13
Firepower SCORE -7
Good guy Viggo. SCORE 520
Derp dog SCORE 10
Meh…I’d troll too SCORE 9
Accurate SCORE 8