filtering thoughts SCORE 9

in it to fin it SCORE 21

social me-idea SCORE 5

a ruff time SCORE 12

from timesheets to time in sheets SCORE 14

gunning for it SCORE 21

title toss-up SCORE 1

lavish linguistics SCORE 13

my preciou-hiss SCORE 18

thera-pissed SCORE 17

making your house a ho–rrer SCORE 6

taking the pepsi SCORE 8

space for new life SCORE 17

hoodie hankering SCORE 17

fishy food SCORE 16

phoning it in SCORE -2

strength denim-stration SCORE 15

volume velocity SCORE 12

a load of knowledge SCORE 19

untrashy behavior SCORE 19

for whom the doorbell tolls SCORE 23

grabby gator SCORE 31

missouri misery SCORE 23

potato performance SCORE 18

emotion motion SCORE 21

double-dog stare SCORE 25

fast-travel point SCORE 13

finding inner pieces SCORE 7

a mistake in all metrics SCORE 34

effort fixation SCORE 7

don’t knock it till you fry it SCORE 20

the dual(k)i(t)ty of man SCORE 23