What Volcanoes Actually Are SCORE 9
Crazy Hair Day! Creative parents are awesome SCORE 18
Natural selection at work SCORE -6
How Freaking Epic Russians Are Sometimes SCORE 70
Further Proof That Texans Are The Chosen Ones SCORE 15
Time travel SCORE 209
Let the games begin SCORE 15
That makes sense. SCORE 77
Naturally SCORE 11
There is no choice SCORE 109
Alabama Football Fans SCORE 112
Glass Bottom Floor SCORE 6
Nothing is wrong with the nuclear reactor. SCORE 10
Brutal reality SCORE 9
These 10 Hacks Will Make You Seem Like A Math Genius SCORE 0
Introverts Will Know The Feeling SCORE 117
A cup of rabbit SCORE 10
Musical Humor SCORE 19
The worst kind of person SCORE 13
I’m so healthy SCORE 110
Nic Cage Suit SCORE 17
In this together SCORE 158
Launching a legally purchased game SCORE 12
This Dog Is A Brilliant Genius SCORE 135
Yep, We Went Through A Lot SCORE 15
Trying To Catch Up SCORE 140
Deadpool SCORE 151
Talk dirty SCORE 4
Dark Side Dad Jokes SCORE 110
The sun feels so good SCORE 13
Lions Protect Kidnapped Girl SCORE 217
When I'm wearing my bathing suit and someone wants to take a picture SCORE 11