Babooshkat SCORE 59

yea pretty much SCORE 55

My conventional desires SCORE 47

Homeless Man And His Dog SCORE 120

Cardinal fish spitting out an ostracod SCORE 52

Beautiful Creatures In Their Natural Environment SCORE 88

See how you like it. SCORE 67

I can’t unsee it now SCORE 58

I feel pretty! SCORE 70

HEY THERE!! Guess what… SCORE 71

Everything will be okay. SCORE 73

Character Design SCORE 88

A sight not often seen. The Underside of Jupiter SCORE 70

Isn’t our solar system beautiful? SCORE 39

Scrubs was truly one of the best shows ever… SCORE 53

Touch screen broken? No problem! SCORE 113

=32,850 days SCORE 60

Disney Princess in training SCORE 73

Healthcare SCORE 93

Chicago being pelted by lightning SCORE 62

Words to live by SCORE 62

Follow your heart SCORE 61

Cat Business In Progress SCORE 77

Learn Your Wolf Meaning SCORE 63

The unspeakable truth SCORE 41

tweet tweet SCORE 66

How to insult a tree SCORE 69

Haters will say it’s fake #3 SCORE 84

The coolest house I found during my trip in Iceland SCORE 71

My sketch from high school, when I thought I was an artist SCORE 56

Cutest BOOP ever Mama Cat and her tiny Kitten falling SCORE 83

It’s oppressing my rights to smell good! SCORE 111