Parenthood. You’re doing it right. SCORE 7

It’s printer ink! SCORE 311

mediocre morgan SCORE 3

cat belt SCORE 9

Bert and Ernie + Jesse and Walt SCORE 8

South Park jack-o-lanterns SCORE 125

Awesome pumpkin carvings SCORE 168

My new ping pong partner SCORE 171

Snake attack costume SCORE 158

Punography. SCORE 24

Words. SCORE 19

Shaken, not stirred. SCORE 8

I believe I can fly! SCORE 131

Reasons to date me. SCORE 22

Doggy Who. SCORE 22

the fox SCORE 8

You didn’t see anything. SCORE 169

This year I carved a really spooky pumpkin. SCORE 144

Dogs SCORE 271

Stupid Raccoons SCORE 254

So my friend carved a Cage o’lantern… SCORE 16

When cats finally take over the world. SCORE 83

Srry SCORE 11

American Psycho costume idea. SCORE 8

21 Jump Street. SCORE 18

So hipster. SCORE 217

Jack Skellington Halloween makeup SCORE 208


PEWDIPIE and Slenderman SCORE 15

Wizard vs. hobbit. SCORE 260

Today’s Special SCORE 15

I miss you too. SCORE 140