I’m Finally Free SCORE 17

Fairy Tales In Our Time SCORE 10

if this is what a scientist does then sign me up SCORE 198

Dog saved abandoned baby SCORE 227

I Can’t Watch This Movie The Same Way Anymore SCORE 10

A heartbreaking moment SCORE 137

Celery SCORE 7

The Prince Has Changed SCORE 4

The sad truth. SCORE 16

Grow up SCORE 263

That’s Pretty Incredible SCORE 123

"This guy is so rich, he has a swimming pool in his swimming pool" SCORE 112

Use It Or Lose It SCORE 147

Wash Your Hands Please SCORE 132

Dolphin brain vs Human brain SCORE 10

This bunny is a literal puff ball SCORE 15

I had to SCORE 195

That’s Big SCORE 107

Using Someone Else’s Shower SCORE 148

If Star Wars Took Place In Washington DC SCORE 92

The hornet moth SCORE 122

It’s A Short Read SCORE -11

Like Some Nerd SCORE 222

Guy doesn’t even stop filming SCORE 14

Let's See Some Scary Stories SCORE 12

Trying To Sell Something On Craigslist SCORE -1

True Respect For Them SCORE 15

The Avengers Club SCORE 146

Life Hack sign SCORE 94

Playing Next To A Stream SCORE 16

How to draw SCORE 181

Dangerous frozen yogurt prank SCORE 140